Thursday, October 27, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge ..... who's with me? {Suwanee, GA Child and Family Photographer}

I have been sucked into and inspired by Pinterest. Much like Twitter, I had refused to even peek at the website for fear of losing any more free time I had left sitting at the computer. But much like the peer pressure associated with joining Facebook (something I do NOT regret), my dear friend Abbie finally sucked me into Pinterest with the cleaning tips and home decorating ideas she chatted about. Endlessly. These are my boards. As you can see, I have a lot of pinning left to do.

So hours (and hours and hours) later I start stumbling across photography ideas and come across a 30 day photography challenge. Just fun stuff..... much like a project 365 (where you have a topic every day and take that picture) this challenge inspires you to photograph something assigned every day but only for 30 days - a little less daunting. And the best part is that you don't need to be a photographer to photograph these things - it's all for fun! This time of year my camera is always within arms reach - I am either photographing people for my business or stuff around my house - or my kids ..... I am busy .... and editing ... always editing .... so I decided this might be a good way to break up the monotony of it all for a month and try something fun!

AND .... I want YOU to join me! I'm kind of like the baby version of Pioneer Woman here.... you know, not as popular (but just as cool) with 1 billionth of the followers. But every day I will post the challenge via my facebook business page ("like" it, if you don't already, so you can get the updates) and I encourage you to join in the challenge and e-mail me your pictures and I will post them with mine the following day! You will be surprised what you will capture by doing an assignment like this - and the memories you will create.

Remember - you don't have to be a photographer (or a fauxtographer) to do this .... your iphone is fine as a camera .... e-mail me your pictures to Please? I think we will have so much fun!

Here is the list so you can start thinking about what you want to photograph.... we are starting today with a self portrait. It can be funny or serious or whatever you consider your "self portrait." ;o) Happy shooting!

Click here to get the list a little larger (*cougholdpeoplewithbadeyescough*) .....

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