I am on a collage kick. :o) So are some of you.... so I took some shots of pieces I wore and collaged them together. I don't think 'collaged' is an actual word. Yet. ;o)
But let's be totally honest here. I'm lying. Athough I *did* technically wear this for 3 hours to my son's Fall Festival ("festible" per Hallie) at his school, I was in my pajamas for the other 3/4 of the day .... But in my defense, it WAS Friday ....
I love me some cowboy boots ..... really. And nothing beats MAC lipstick .....
So onto you all .... what did you wear today?
This is one of my favorite pics ..... hands tell an awesome story and I am always drawn in wondering where they have been ... what they have done ..... Baby hands, elderly hands .... mom hands....... these are awesome mom hands..... Rossette with her gift from her cheerleaders she coached:

Esther did a collage today! Esther ... I love your bandaid. See? Part of a hand and you KNOW there is a story behind that bandaid......

Eva shares my passion for boots......

Jesi wore her favorite jeans ..... let's ignore her flat stomach. [Insert bad word that starts with a b and sounds like itch.]

Erin lives in Chicago so that explains the hat ... and although my wardrobe change went from pajamas to mom clothes, Erin's went from work clothes to party clothes - or so it appears ...... ah to be young again....... sigh ......

Amie wore some funky clogs (I think they are clogs .....) - RAWR!

Michelle had a very cute casual Friday outfit on ..... some say she is stick skinny. (Bad joke, need more coffee)

My friend Cassy sent me two pics but I chose this one because not only is she in the military and I am super proud of her and so lucky to have someone so awesome to call friend, she also wore her glasses and they are super cute! Thank you, Cassy, for your service and all you do for our awesome country!! Love you!

And cousin Sam - also in the military - sent these two pictures of what she wore yesterday - which I LOVEEEEEE!!!!!!

Keep the pictures coming - day 3 is clouds!! Happy shooting!!
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