Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Oh boyyyy ..... only a few more days until "Small Business Saturday"and I can't wait to share this special with you so I am going to offer it between now and Sunday ......

As some of you know, I have partnered with Tiny Prints to bring you holiday cards, invitations, etc .... To visit my Tiny Prints "storefront," click HERE. On my Tiny Prints page, you can see cards that I like and think reflect my style of photography. If you don't like those, no biggie... feel free to scroll down, choose 'holiday cards' and select one that YOU like ....

NOW .... here is the special I am offering through Sunday (11/27/11) only:

If you are a past client during this calendar year, I will upload a picture from your session (that you choose) to Tiny Prints for free to use on your holiday card. To take advantage of this, go to my Tiny Prints home page and click 'request photo' on the right. Then let me know which picture you would like to use and I will upload it to Tiny Prints for you. When the picture is uploaded, you will be sent a passkey to access your picture - you will then redeem it by going back to my Tiny Prints page and clicking redeem photo. (There are detailed instructions on the site and it is VERY easy!)

Now, local or out of town fans and friends, don't fret! Here is where you come in ... If you are NOT a client but want to use Tiny Prints for your cards and want me to "cuten" up a picture that you or another friend took (to use on Tiny Prints only), e-mail me the picture in full resolution or actual size to tami@little-imaginations.com. I will then do the best I can to cuten it up for you and upload it to my Tiny Prints page. You will then be sent a passkey to redeem your photo and use on your cards.

Remember, this is a Small Business Saturday (and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday ... LOL) special only and will only be valid from TODAY through Sunday, November 27th! Don't send out yucky looking Holiday Cards this year!!! :o) Together we can brighten up the holiday season!

To browse cards and see what size picture you will need or how many, please visit TINY PRINTS to start finding the perfect fit for your family!

Friday, November 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge Day 7 ~ Tooty Fruity!! {Suwanee, GA Child & Family Photographer}

Fun challenge - could have been boring but I encouraged you all to think outside of the box and you pulled through!! For me .... well ..... day 7 was a Wednesday and my dear friend from college, Shannon, has declared any Wednesday as "Winey Wednesday" so I thought about how to incorporate that with my fruit challenge and .... let's be honest here ... wine is made from grapes so technically wine is a fruit - and, BONUS! Good for you, too? I think yes!

So here is the fruit I ate that day ....

(OK, so before my parents have a heart attack, I actually opened and drank a Liberty School Cab, not this pictured, really expensive, "Tami-do-not-drink-this-unless-you-share-it-with-someone-who-appreciates-wine" bottle my parents gave us for our anniversary. But I digress.)

Then, my friends pulled through with their own version of fruit!! I love all of these!

Rossette's Halloween fruit bowl:

Sam's "fruit."

Krista's really little pumpkin ...... or is it an orange??? :o)

Eva went bananas! (Eva, I LOVE the reflection of them!)

Erin's brains. Grapes, I mean grapes .........

Esther's fancy schmancy fruit!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge Days 5 & 6 ~ What's your angle, buddy? {Suwanee, GA Child and Family Photographer}

Days 5 and 6 of this challenge had us shooting from high and low ..... I'm not going to lie to you - I cheated on these pics - both were taken awhile ago. I just edited them for this assignment. *blush*

Shooting down (Hallie's mess):


Shooting up (Hallie's birthday balloons):


And because I thought it looked cool, here is a collage of some of the images submitted - angles taken by friends - shooting up, shooting down ......


Are you having fun? I am!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Day Challenge Day 4 ~ Something Green! {Suwanee, GA Child & Family Photographer}

Green .... with envy? :o) Day 4 was something green ...... and I literally sat at my desk and looked around saying greeeeeeennnnnn greeeeennnnnnn hmmmmmm ...... snapped a couple pics of books stacked on my desk and a big green wooden paperclip. I know, you are shocked by my super creative and original side today .....

And what did my friends find that was green?

Esther found something festive to me!

So cute ... Sam's sweet baby makes me happy.

Jennifer is in a party mood...

Erin might be hungover .... LOL

Amie had a healthy dinner (and possibly stinky pee)...

Cassy shared some green things laying around her house ..... (Why am I hungry for cookies?)

Eva shared her pretty green vase!

Michelle shared her still green ivy.

Rossette shared her green monster .... and her yummy treats. (Just kidding Jake!)

Days 5 and 6 are shooting from high and low angles ..... I might be creative with the entries this time! Happy shooting and thanks for joining me in this fun challenge!!

Always make memories ... let me make the portraits!
