Sunday, October 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge DAY 3 ~ Clouds! {Suwanee, GA Children & Family Photographer}

Oh it is so hard living in Georgia with a stunning picture perfect fall day and not a cloud in the sky. Really ..... Especially when you are supposed to take a picture of clouds ....

And, to be honest, I was having kind of an uncreative day .... I was tired and crabby and spent hours outside between baseball games and shooting a family .... and then ... still no clouds. I came up with a few cute ideas I just didn't have time to pull off .... so today (yeah yeah a day late) I found some clouds standing in my driveway looking down my street. What a gorgeous change of seasons we are having - the leaves are beautiful this year. Makes me long for home and falls in the midwest. But that's a separate blog post - or blog altogether. :o) So here are my clouds:


And my friends playing along sent in these clouds:

By Sam (LOVE the setting sun):

By Rossette (Beautiful fall colors!):
By Krista (She lives in PCB, FL and is an actual photographer - look her up for beach portraits at

By Esther (Love the angle up with the branch, the crop and the "texture"):

By Cassy (Looks like a storm is brewing at Mickey's house - thank God you should be able to buy a $70 umbrella that says Disney World on it):

By Erin - my little iphontographer:

By Eva (Looks like a storm kicking up over Walgreens - check out the dark blue of the sky!):

By Jennifer (What is the name of these clouds that look like storm clouds but are actually just shadows on the cloud clouds?):

By Michelle (Who was able to find clouds in Georgia or is a cheater, lol):

Saturday, October 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge DAY TWO ~ What I Wore ..... {Suwanee, GA Children & Family Photographer}

I am on a collage kick. :o) So are some of you.... so I took some shots of pieces I wore and collaged them together. I don't think 'collaged' is an actual word. Yet. ;o)

But let's be totally honest here. I'm lying. Athough I *did* technically wear this for 3 hours to my son's Fall Festival ("festible" per Hallie) at his school, I was in my pajamas for the other 3/4 of the day .... But in my defense, it WAS Friday ....


I love me some cowboy boots ..... really. And nothing beats MAC lipstick .....

So onto you all .... what did you wear today?

This is one of my favorite pics ..... hands tell an awesome story and I am always drawn in wondering where they have been ... what they have done ..... Baby hands, elderly hands .... mom hands....... these are awesome mom hands..... Rossette with her gift from her cheerleaders she coached:

Esther did a collage today! Esther ... I love your bandaid. See? Part of a hand and you KNOW there is a story behind that bandaid......

Eva shares my passion for boots......

Jesi wore her favorite jeans ..... let's ignore her flat stomach. [Insert bad word that starts with a b and sounds like itch.]

Erin lives in Chicago so that explains the hat ... and although my wardrobe change went from pajamas to mom clothes, Erin's went from work clothes to party clothes - or so it appears ...... ah to be young again....... sigh ......

Amie wore some funky clogs (I think they are clogs .....) - RAWR!

Michelle had a very cute casual Friday outfit on ..... some say she is stick skinny. (Bad joke, need more coffee)

My friend Cassy sent me two pics but I chose this one because not only is she in the military and I am super proud of her and so lucky to have someone so awesome to call friend, she also wore her glasses and they are super cute! Thank you, Cassy, for your service and all you do for our awesome country!! Love you!

And cousin Sam - also in the military - sent these two pictures of what she wore yesterday - which I LOVEEEEEE!!!!!!

Keep the pictures coming - day 3 is clouds!! Happy shooting!!


Friday, October 28, 2011

30 Day Challenge DAY ONE ~ Self Portrait {Suwanee, GA Child & Family Photographer}

Day One is complete! And I think this is going to be a fun challenge. The idea, again, is to take one picture a day (as required) for 30 days. Your level of photography doesn't matter - it is really just for fun and to get you thinking. Feel free to jump in anytime and start where we are at or play catch up .... e-mail me your daily photos to And tell your friends to play along because this is fun!

So for me .... a self portrait needed to be more than one thing - you know, to fit my many personalities, ha ha..... so *I* decided to do a collage of photos. You don't have to do what I do and you can think outside the box or keep it simple .... whatever floats your boat - or camera.....

My self portrait below kind of describes a little about me.... starting at the top left I chose to use a picture of my flip flops. I hate shoes. Really .... flip flops are who I am .... as you can see, these are worn and loved.... next was an overexposed picture of me taking a picture of me in the rear view mirror.... funny how the exposure didn't work out - but sometimes the worst pictures turn out kinda cool anyway ... then my happy place - Sonic. Happy hour is 2-5 every day with half price drinks. (Free advertising SONIC ... you are welcome ....) Nothing beats a diet coke from Sonic and unless you get it, you don't get it ..... Then me in black and white .... I did use my timer and set up a reflector (to my left) opposite the window (to my right) ..... I don't shoot inside so it was a challenge for me to try it which, I think, is part of the exercise .... and, of course, I turned me black and white because who doesn't look better that way .... and the clarity slider is my friend but that is besides the point. Anyhow ...... Out of boredom I went outside and played with sidewalk chalk. Alone. Oh yes I did. And the bottom three.... the witch? Needs no real explanation. ;o) The beer .... um hello? Have you met me? I actually manipulated this photo the wrong dimensions - not going to lie - so it actually reminds me of a lifetouch picture where every kid looks swollen and thick in the neck ..... and then, last but not least, my collection of stuff my kids made at school. 3 kids = a lot of treasures!! It all sits behind my sink in a sort of hoarder fashion. I can't part with any of it..... if anyone has any better suggestions on how to display it all, I would love to hear ... so far I haven't come across anything for this on pinterest. :o)


And now ... to introduce the people who are so willing to play along!

This is Rossette ...... she is a good friend of mine with 3 adorable kids . She totally copied me and did a collage that represented her life. (Just kidding, Rossette)

And this is Michelle - Michelle took an awesome self portrait..... she has really long arms! :o)


My sister in law Erin also did a sort of collage - she is bottom left in the self portrait picture - which *AHEM* looks like it might have been taken by someone other than said "SELF" but she got the idea down and did something that reflected her..... which, again, is open to interpretation and thinking outside of the box.... I am rambling and need coffee.....


This is cousin Samantha ..... cousin Sam is in the military and we couldn't be more proud and thankful of her and her husband, Roger. USA! USA!


And this is my friend Esther from high school. Esther, like me, is going to be a really old mom. :o) It makes me happy when friends my age have little babies!


So come on! Invite your friends ... the more the merrier! The assignment for day 2 is "What I wore today." Snap snap snap away!!! Looking forward to tomorrow's photos! :o)


Thursday, October 27, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge ..... who's with me? {Suwanee, GA Child and Family Photographer}

I have been sucked into and inspired by Pinterest. Much like Twitter, I had refused to even peek at the website for fear of losing any more free time I had left sitting at the computer. But much like the peer pressure associated with joining Facebook (something I do NOT regret), my dear friend Abbie finally sucked me into Pinterest with the cleaning tips and home decorating ideas she chatted about. Endlessly. These are my boards. As you can see, I have a lot of pinning left to do.

So hours (and hours and hours) later I start stumbling across photography ideas and come across a 30 day photography challenge. Just fun stuff..... much like a project 365 (where you have a topic every day and take that picture) this challenge inspires you to photograph something assigned every day but only for 30 days - a little less daunting. And the best part is that you don't need to be a photographer to photograph these things - it's all for fun! This time of year my camera is always within arms reach - I am either photographing people for my business or stuff around my house - or my kids ..... I am busy .... and editing ... always editing .... so I decided this might be a good way to break up the monotony of it all for a month and try something fun!

AND .... I want YOU to join me! I'm kind of like the baby version of Pioneer Woman here.... you know, not as popular (but just as cool) with 1 billionth of the followers. But every day I will post the challenge via my facebook business page ("like" it, if you don't already, so you can get the updates) and I encourage you to join in the challenge and e-mail me your pictures and I will post them with mine the following day! You will be surprised what you will capture by doing an assignment like this - and the memories you will create.

Remember - you don't have to be a photographer (or a fauxtographer) to do this .... your iphone is fine as a camera .... e-mail me your pictures to Please? I think we will have so much fun!

Here is the list so you can start thinking about what you want to photograph.... we are starting today with a self portrait. It can be funny or serious or whatever you consider your "self portrait." ;o) Happy shooting!

Click here to get the list a little larger (*cougholdpeoplewithbadeyescough*) .....