Oh Wisconsin, how I love thee, even though it's so cold...
Driving through my home town, a special place in my heart it does hold....
Flat lands abound and lakes to drive 'round...
How I do love to go back to my home ground....
The Packers, the Badgers, friendly people and cheese...
Wisconsin also holds dear my best friend the Weez....
Her 3 beautiful daughters I head out to see....
And capture their holiday pictures, but not under a [boring] tree....
The oldest so sweet, complacent and cool....
The middle so darling & sassy & looking to duel....
The baby ... those cheeks .... oh how I love those cheeks .....
I can't think of anything that might rhyme with cheeks....
So please enjoy below the pictures I took....
A poet I am not, but it's still worth a look....
I love going home, to the land so dear to my heart....
But back to Atlanta I came, lots of work here to start....
(Kel, thanks for giving me the opportunity to photograph the girls and spend the weekend with you all. I love going home and being able to spend it with you all made it the best trip ever!! xoxox)