Girls Girls Girls Girls ...... are there any boys left in the world? LOL .... it seems I have been shooting a LOT of girls lately - which I adore! Who can argue with the cuteness factor of girl clothes? :o) I did get the privilege of FINALLY shooting a boy today .... alright, it was a dad, but a boy is a boy is a boy .... right? Ha! Anyhow, the Walker family stopped by Suwanee on their way home from Disney World on their way back to Indiana ... what an honor for me! The 3 girls are so cute and so much fun ... the oldest is born to pose and the youngest was .. well ... 2 ... but cute and fun and silly ...... the middle is the sweet one as is so clearly proven through photographs. It's amazing to me what a story photography can tell about a family. Thank you, Walker family, for allowing me the opportunity to create special family memories for you!